Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Would I Cross The Border? (A Response To Marisa's Blog)

At first, I did not think that I would say this – however, if given the opportunity I would illegally enter the United States. Just reading a few of the qualifications required to apply for citizenship made me think “If I was living in Mexico, could I really do this?” Obviously the most ideal situation would be to do everything by the book and within the law, but when in a desperate search for liberation these immigrants just don’t want to wait; they want to enter America as soon as possible, by any means necessary.
The border patrol is most definitely an issue, yet if 250 million illegal immigrants cross over every year, its clearly not infallible. Many of the guards or army patrols are located around the heavily populated areas like San Diego or El Paso. A lot of illegal immigrants have found success in assign through the mountainous regions or desert areas. But many have died in attempting to do so as well.
In researching what I would do if I were put into this situation the only thing I could not understand was the overall appeal of “The American Life.” Yes, we have freedom that many other countries do not have but most illegal immigrants worry so much about flying under immigration radar that they never fulfill the dreams they had when they first set forth to America. Fake social security numbers, not being able to register for a license…that is definitely not the American Dream that these immigrants have.

- Rachel Rosenthal

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